Critical Northwest 2021 Update

Civic Responsibility “We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state and federal laws.” – Larry Harvey on Civic Responsibility, “The 10 Principles of Burning Man”   With no…

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The INW Board of Directors is seeking applicants

The INW board of directors is looking at three open seats in 2020, and we need YOU to fill one of them!Have a passion for community and a love of spreadsheets? Like being the person behind the scenes? Willing to devote three years and about ten hours a month to making awesome happen? The INW board may be for…

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Introducing our new member management system

Something that’s been long in the works- a new member management platform for Ignition Northwest.  The new membership form can be found here Why this change?  A few reasons- all of them good! More secure storage of your info Streamlines processes that were once entirely manual, like adding people to mailing lists and the CNW website. …

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Ignition NorthWest is a membership organization for Pacific NW Burners

Enroll as a Firestarter here to enjoy all the benefits below (please note, if you have not completed the Google Form published October 2017, you are not yet a currently enrolled member) Join us for CRITICAL NORTHWEST Regional Burning Man FestivalGranite Falls, WA  –  9-15 July 2018Firestarter membership in good standing is required to attend (enroll above). Apply for Art…

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Become an INW member!

Membership benefits: Supporting local artists and events that showcase their work Eligibility to purchase 2 tickets to Critical Grant and Scholarship programs Access to the Ignition Drive with a community driven repository of resources Participate in elections and many more in the works. Register now!

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