The Monthly Board Meeting

meets 7 PM the 3rd Wednesday of every month, virtually at:

Link to Board Meeting


Ignition Northwest wouldn’t exist without the dedication of our community.  Committees are responsible for many of the day to day decisions.  Any member of INW in good standing can join, and after attending three out of the last four meetings you’ll have voting privileges.

Events Committee
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of Every Month at 7pm virtually

Do you want to help INW events be awesome? Come help select producers, help decide how events work, and support the community’s events – large and small. Be here with us behind the scenes helping the community’s visions come to life. It’s better next year, and you can help plan it now.

Questions?  Contact committee chairs: and

Meeting Link:

Conduct Committee
Meetings: public meeting cadence to be announced

The Ignition Northwest Conduct Committee is a resource INW members can use to report incidents they experience that violate the INW code of conduct. The Conduct Committee collaborates with reporters, prioritizes privacy, and utilizes a restorative justice framework to address behavior that harms community members.

The current committee has three filled board member roles (Feynman, Megaphone, and Nonsense) and two unfilled community members roles. Recruitment for additional community members will begin in August 2024.

Coming soon: monthly public meetings where the members of the Conduct Committee discuss progress, policies, and answer community questions.

Questions? Contact

Want to report an incident?


Grants Committee
Meetings: As needed and scheduled with members - virtual meeting

Providing art grants to the community is a major part of Ignition Northwest’s work.  The grants committee is tasked with evaluating those submissions to determine how funds will be allocated.
Primarily focused on our three major events, Critical, SeaCompression, and Reignition, their meetings have switched to being held on an as-needed basis currently.

Questions?  Contact committee co-chairs: and

Meeting Link:

Acculturation Committee
Meetings: Third Tuesdays at 6 pm virtually

Anyone can Burn! Our goal is to welcome those new to the Burning Man community by providing education through events, discussions and art through exploring how the 10 Principles not only builds community, but also creates a world of transformation of connection and promise of a new future.

Questions?  Contact committee chairs: and

Third Tuesday of every month at 6 pm

Meeting Link:


Communications Committee
Meetings: 4th Tuesday at 7pm virtually

The Communications Committee works on getting all of the info about INW, Events, and the community out there using email, social media and our websites. Want to know everything first? Wanna help make this better? We could use the help!

Questions?  Contact committee chair:

Fundraising Committee
Meetings: 2nd Mondays at 7pm virtually

The Fundraising Committee‘s goal is to assist with the financial viability and stability of Ignition Northwest.  Membership is open to members of the INW community who are forward thinking and problem solving.  Our desire is to find new strategies of raising money to fund our community’s efforts of self expression through the arts.

Questions?  Contact committee chair:


Tech Committee
Meetings: 4th Tuesdays at 7pm virtually

The Tech committee talks about all the devices and systems we use to run events and the Ignition Northwest well. We work on things like the website, radios, programs, devices and more. We need people that are both users of the tech and the folks who know a lot about tech, because most of our tech users are not techy themselves. We talk about tech policy and how best to use technology to serve the community. The tech committee is currently co-chaired by Magic and Feynman. Come help!

Questions?  Contact

Meeting Link: