Hello, Firestarters!
It’s that time again: Our 2022 board election is coming up this month! What does that mean for you as voters and potential candidates? Read on…
For Voters:
INW as a service-oriented non-profit thrives on community participation, and we need your help to choose the next new group of board members! Your vote is important to us, so be on the lookout for your electronic ballot on February 8th. Note: If you are receiving this email, you are already properly enrolled and will receive a ballot with no further steps necessary! Voting will remain open until 6pm on February 16th.
Meet the candidates and discuss what matters to you at our Winter Town Hall on February 8th! Link will be provided soon.
If your friends are curious about why they haven’t received this email, please point them towards this Firestarter enrollment form: https://bit.ly/FirestarterSignUp
Firestarter Enrollment FAQ
Q: What if I’ve already filled out the form? Do I need to do it again?
A: IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED you do not need to do so ever again!
Q: What if I want to change one of my answers from a previous submission?
A: If you wish to change a particular answer, you should have a confirmation email with your previous responses which allows you to edit them.
Q: How do I know if I’ve filled out that form before?
A: If you are unsure whether you submitted it, please check for the confirmation email with subject “INW Firestarter Enrollment”.
For Potential Board Candidates:
Passionate about serving your community? Want to help fund art, both large and small? Interested in helping make our events even better, safer, or more inclusive? Enjoy working with talented folks with heart, passion, and a strong sense of play? Love being part of what happens behind the scenes to make things happen?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should definitely apply! The more diverse we are as a board, the better we can serve the community, so we encourage anyone with interest to get involved in the process.
What Do Board Members Do, Anyway?
Responsibilities of a board member include:
- Participation! Signing up to be on the board means you’re signing up to help INW face challenges and support the local burner community year-round.
- One 2-3 hour board meeting a month.
- Active participation in at least one of the committees (Tech, Finance, Grants, Events,Acculturation, Fundraising). Most committees meet once a month throughout the year, with more frequent meetings happening during event cycles.
- Regular responsiveness to internal and external communications.
- Twice yearly board connection activities (always in-person when not during a pandemic)
- Maintain active involvement in community events and support Ignition NorthWest programs however possible.
What qualities make a good board member?
- Experienced community leader with an ability to inspire volunteerism and execute on ideas.
- Available time and headspace to make decisions and support INW projects.
- Sound judgment and attention to detail.
- Ability to accept constructive discourse in the best possible light and interest in assuming best intentions from others.
Please Note: Board members will need to undergo a background check and must not have current RAC flags or be the subject of an open investigation.
If you would like to run please fill out the self-nomination form, or encourage someone you believe should run to do so.
This all sounds amazing! What are the dates I need to be aware of, again?
- February 7th: Deadline to apply to be a candidate
- February 8th: Voting opens after the Town Hall and Candidate Statements (held virtually via Zoom)
- February 16th at 10:00 PM: Voting ends
- By February 20th: Results announced
As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to email the INW board at board@ignitionnw.org. Thank you for your participation!
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