Are you itching to hear all of the latest INW news and want to know more about how to help get exciting new things in the works? Then this is the town hall for you! Mark your calendar and join us for important announcements about events, committees, and more. We value the community’s input and if your involvement is what makes everything we do possible.
The Town Hall will be hosted virtually and the connection information will be added here ASAP, so please check back shortly for all the latest information. If you have any questions, please contact the INW Board.
What: INW Community Town Hall Meeting
When: Sunday, September 26th at 3pm PDT
Where: Virtual via Zoom

Full Zoom Info:
Topic: INW Town Hall – Fall 2021
Time: Sep 26, 2021 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 828 9285 3307
Passcode: 623201
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Meeting ID: 828 9285 3307
Passcode: 623201
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